I could hardly get through my workout on Sunday and by that evening I was sick with a cold. I was devastated thinking about the set back that this might give me. I managed to only take off Monday and Tuesday still making it to the gym 5 days this week. Wednesday was horrible, but I'm convinced it helped me get over my cold. I even made it to the Journey concert at the Mid State Fair and wore a shirt that hasn't fit me in months! (non scale victory) I did great and didn't eat any fair food.
Week 6
I am a little discouraged. My work out buddy hasn't been able to make it for awhile and working out 2-3 days a week alone sucks. I feel weak and fat, ugh, but I still make it 5 days to the gym.
My trainer, Jesse, put together a meal plan for me and I also found the app "My Fitness Pal" where you can log all of the food you eat. Both have helped me watch my caloric intake. I don't even want to know what it was before, but I know I've cut it by 1/2 if not 2/3. Seriously. I did have a slip up. I had a meeting at a restaurant, and this is a fact for me, I do a lot of business over drinks and food, I have to watch it. I shared a deep fried onion blossom dipped in ranch dressing. Note the word, shared. Well it was enough to make me violently ill that night. I thought I had food poisoning, but after checking with the people I was with, I found it was just me. My body didn't want that and it let me know! Lesson learned.
Week 7
I feel new energy and I see major changes in my legs and arms! Food has been a little hard. I have been thinking about Taco Bell and my favorite chips and dip for days, even after what happened last week. Jesse reminds me that I would probably puke if I ate it, and she's right, in fact just saying it out loud sounds gross. It seems that I hit my calorie goal easily without any room for extras. Guess I don't need extras. (light bulb moment) On a positive note, I LOVE almonds. They're my new junk food. This week I found honey roasted and I'm so happy.
I'm desperate to weigh myself but I have been banned from the scale. Grrrr... I almost cheated, but I honestly didn't want to rob Jesse of seeing the number with me. lol, she has to put up with me 3 days a week, and I do whatever she tells me to. I'm her little fat ball of clay she's molding into a super hero. My success is her success, so we'll wait until next week.
The hardest thing this month has been realizing that my head is months ahead of my body. My brain has made major changes and in my mind I'm much thinner, fitter, stronger than I am. I have to be patient and know that this is a year process. A year. It seems like a long time from this point, but I know in 10 months I'll look back and wonder what took me so long to start the journey.
Week 8

~ Jesse-isms ~
Those of you that have been following my facebook just love my trainer and all the funny things she says to me. Here are the "Jesse-isms" from the first two months.

* "That's not sweat, it's your fat crying."
* "It took you this long to get this fat, it's going to take a while to see results."
* "You're such a faker! You're only cheating yourself."
* "'Farm Strong' doesn't look good at the beach, does it?" (referring to someone who told her he was 'farm strong.')
* "Go till failure."
* "You okay down there? You having fat girl problems?"
* "Two more." (This isn't funny or anything, but I hear it all the time, and it usually doesn't mean 2 more.)
* "I'm sorry that a lifetime of fat can't be remedied in two months."
* "That's sad,... keep going." (her response to any complaint)
You can hire Jesse to come to your house and train you! I don't like to share, but everybody deserves a good ass kicking. Message me if you would like her info. #805BodyByJesse
Lessons Learned Month 2
* Have someone to be accountable to. This is a big deal. Jesse asks me what I'm eating, if I've eaten enough. I don't want to think about having to admit to her that I ate a bag of chips and dip. I don't want to know what she would make me do, lol. If I make an appointment with her or with my work out buddy I would never think about canceling. This has been huge in getting me to the gym every day.
* I used eat too much ranch. I do not need a 1/4 cup of ranch on my salad. No one does, yet this is the size the restaurants give you, sometimes more, and I used to SCRAPE every last drop out of that little sucker. Ugh, that makes me want to vomit thinking about it. Now I do the whole dip your fork a little bit in the ranch and then take a bite of salad. It's delicious!! Next month I hope to do away with the ranch totally and switch to a nice olive oil or something. But to go from 1/4 of a cup to a tsp. is a major improvement.
* Eat clean, read everything. If it says FAT FREE, LITE, or LOW IN CALORIES it probably isn't
that good for you. I mean, do you see the veggies bragging about how good they are for you? No, you just know. The only things I eat that are packaged are oatmeal, granola bars, nuts, yogurt and soup. Oh my gosh, I just realized that. This is amazing. The foods marketed towards fat people really makes me mad. We are lied to! Lied to!!! The only safe foods to eat are from a farm. Meaning they come from the ground or are raised on what comes from the ground. Shop the perimeter of the store. Just the fruits, veggies, dairy and meat section. That's it. (Even though the bakery is in the perimeter, it doesn't count, keep walking.)
* You Can't Spot Reduce Fat. You can't choose where you put fat on, you can't choose where you take fat off. You just have to work your entire body. Crunches aren't going to give you a flat stomach. Just abs under your fat. Abs are made in the kitchen.
* It doesn't get easier. Ever, ever. This was hard at first to accept. The reality is, the ultra fit people in the gym are working just as hard as me, probably harder, why wouldn't they be? Why would you ever want to go work out and not sweat or feel it the next day? What a waste of time. I've had to accept that as I get fitter, the workouts will get harder. It will always be hard, I will always be sore, I will always sweat, and I am okay with this.