Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Non Scale Victories

Urban Dictionary defines Non Scale Victory (NSV) as a dieting and weight loss term for noticing your weight loss success off the scale.  NSVs are important to acknowledge as the scale is only one measure of success.  Here are some of my NSVs. 

Three years ago my doctor told me that I was showing signs of being "pre diabetic."  This is no longer the case.  Huge NSV!

My son has lost weight and is eating much healthier!  Huge NSV!

I AM STRONG!  I am so freaking strong.  Seriously.  You should see me move farmhouse tables at weddings.  NSV!

I bought my first pair of jeans in about 15 years.  I wear them all the time and I rock them!  In fact, I'm almost ready for a smaller size.  NSV!

I no longer have ANY clothes that have a X in the size.  I can shop in any boutique downtown as I am now a "regular" size.  I don't wear shawls to cover my arms.  NSV!

 I can now do walking lunges with weights in my hands instead of tears in my eyes.  NSV!

My back is no longer sore!  This is huge.  I was sore all the time.  Uh, duh!  Strap 30 lbs to yourself for the day and see how sore you are.  NSV!

I can go longer and harder at Disneyland, my happiest place on Earth!  Last year after a few days I would be crying and soaking my feet in hot water at the hotel every night.  After our last trip I felt great and unloaded the car all by myself.  NSV!

I have lost at least 10 inches and probably more off of my body.  Can you imagine?  NSV!  (We'll be doing measurements in a few weeks.)

I have muscles you can see.  NSV!

I have cut my sodium, read Lawry's Salt, intake to a minimum.  I have changed my taste buds and it really wasn't that hard.  I enjoy healthier foods that are better for me.  NSV!

My BMI has gone down 10 points.  NSV!

And of course...

My heart is healthier, I'll live longer, blah blah blah... NSV!

Did I forget anything, what are your NSVs?  

Thank you for encouraging me, supporting me and reading my blog!  xoxoxo

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