Saturday, December 20, 2014

My Full Body and Mind Make Over, Month 3

Month 3
Week 9 - August 18, 2014
I finished week 8 with a boot camp with my trainer and 5 other victims.  It.  Was.  Horrible.  I got through the workout, although it was the hardest of my life.  The next day however, I was dead.  My legs weren't okay for 3 days!  Sunday I had a moment of weakness and had two tacos and some nachos from Taco Bell.  It wasn't worth it.  Craziest part, I started sweating and shaking immediately after I was finished.  I didn't feel well for the rest of the day.  Not to mention the self loathing.  I did two extremely hard workouts with my new workout buddy Monday and Tuesday.  Probably overdid it.  Not to mention I ended the week with another boot camp.

Week 10
Nothing too exciting to add this week.  I made it to boot camp once again and even took Gabriel.  He asked to come!  He only worked out for about 20 minutes, but hey, he sees me working out which has to be good, right? I'm not enjoying eating out at restaurants.  I seem to order salad everywhere I go.  It's safe.  And boring.  I did cheat and weighed myself before I was supposed to and I'm down another 4 pounds!!!!  I am beyond stoked!! 

Week 11
This week started out hard.  It was Labor Day.  I drank a few calories, let's just say that.  Then we were off to Disneyland for three days.  (blog to follow)  Hello?! Junk food everywhere along with overpriced fruit.  I investigated and our hotel did have a fitness center.  Great, I thought, I can workout at least.  Uh, it closed at 8:00 when of course we were still in the park.  So I got my cardio in, I walked 15,000 steps in three days.  Which really isn't that much, you're supposed to walk 10,000 a day.  I wonder if my step counter is working.  I noticed a HUGE difference in how I felt after three days at Disneyland.  I usually can hardly walk and am so sore for days.  I remember hobbling to a rest stop bathroom on our way home last time, this trip I unloaded the entire car and felt great!  I worked out today, after 4 days off.  My usual Sunday off and then the 3 days we were at Disneyland.  I was sure I wasn't going to be able to handle my workout today AND I was SURE I had gained weight at the happiest place on earth.  Well, my workout was hard, but I got through it.  Jesse even added weights to my walking lunges.  I graduated!!  I couldn't help myself, I had to weigh myself and see if I had gained weight after Disneyland.  Guess what, I'm down another pound!!!  What?!  I can't believe it!  I still have another week to go this month.  So far 5 pounds lost in the past three weeks, that's the best I've done.

Week 12
I finished off this month working hard and feeling great!  I didn't lose weight this week, but I'm down 5 lbs for the month and that's awesome!

Lessons Learned:
Uh, to do all of the lessons I've already learned.  I got this!

"Are you going to puke?  Tell me if you're going to puke, I wanna get my camera."

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